
  Harrell Maynard  

  Dernière connexion le 14/05/2020

  23/06/1985 - 38 ans

  FRANCE Alpes de Haute Provence (04)


  Voir son site internet

  Membre depuis le 14 mai 2020

Discipline favorite : Reining

Années d'équitation : 19 ans

Samantha and Charlie went shopping and spent a tidy amount of Robin's money on an evening gown and shoes. They had become close friends working together in the salon and although technically Samantha was Charlie's employer, they were more like companions and confidants.Robin told Samantha everything about herself and Samantha was astute enough not to appear sorry for Charlie, knowing that Charlie hated that, but there were times when she experienced heartfelt sorrow for Charlie when she described periods of her life where she had been rejected and abused."If you hurt that girl Robin I'll renounce you as my brother," Samantha said one day when Robin got off early and came to the salon to pick up Charlie after work.Samantha told Charlie things about Robin that she guessed Robin would never tell her. He was an excellent swimmer and all-round athlete but had injured himself before the trials for the English swim team. Although he was handsome and athletic he was hopeless around women and had only had one serious relationship with a girl named Emily Waters.It had lasted three years and Samantha had never warmed to Emily who kept her nose in the air and looked down on the Sparrow family. Robin was infatuated with Emily and it broke his heart when he found her in bed with one of his friends. Emily had laughed at him and told him that he had been a cuckold for most of their relationship.After this, Robin had become withdrawn and surly and had not been with another woman as far as Samantha knew. It was also when he had transferred to Chelmsford from The Met."But how can he stand being with me after being cuckolded by Emily? I am a... I was a prostitute," Charlie said."Exactly! But I think your uniqueness and the fact that you only did what you did in order to survive is part of what makes you attractive to him," Samantha speculated."I have to admit that I had concerns that Robin saw me as a charity case. Did he tell you what he said to me when I was in hospital?" Charlie asked."Yes he did and I think that hatred had been festering inside him since Emily betrayed him. Men are complicated Charlie, you know that. It's possible that he went from despising you to feeling sorry for you and then on to loving you," Samantha said."He does love you, you know. He confided in me that if it came down to you or the job, he'd give up being a policeman to be with you.""He keeps telling me that he loves me and I genuinely feel that he does. But deep down inside I wonder how we can make a go of it. I still haven't told him that I love him you know," Charlie admitted."Do you?" Samantha asked.Charlie looked away wistfully and changed the subject.*****Modern Girl magazine hit the newsstands on same Saturday as the Essex Police Ball. Samantha came to Charlie's flat to do her hair and makeup and help her dress for the ball while Robin went to the formalwear hire service to rent a dinner suit.Glenda had debated whether to attend in uniform, as some of the other PCs and WPCs were going to do, or to buy a ball gown. She was worried that her figure had blown out to the extent that she would not look good in an evening dress but when she tried on a teal satin gown, low-cut with spaghetti straps, both she and the assistant in women's fashion had been impressed with how good it looked. The dress clung to her curves but did so such that she looked voluptuously sexy not dumpy. Glenda splashed out and bought the dress.Chief Constable Bard was hoping that his wife Alicia would not want to attend the ball; she hated social events and saw them as a chore but she surprised Edward when she told him she was looking forward to attending.All serving policemen and women were eligible to attend the ball but as a matter of practicality only about a quarter of Essex Police could actually be present and the Chief Constable ensured that there was an even split between the ranks. Invitations had also been sent to the gentry and privileged personages in Essex as the ball was as much about networking and public relations as it was a celebration and social event.All of the invitations were sent out 'plus one' and Glenda hated the fact that she would be there without a partner especially now that Robin had told her that most of the station either knew or suspected that she was sleeping with Edward Bard. It was so cliché; a junior WPC sleeping with a superior to advance her career. But Glenda didn't even have that. Edward had kept her on as his senior liaison officer so he had unfettered access to her; she felt like a chattel."Fuck it!" Glenda picked up the phone and dialled Ruffe.*****Charlie stepped out of the rented limousine in front of the Chelmsford Shire Hall which had been backlit and the entrance emblazoned with floodlights for effect, and those people waiting outside the hall all turned to gaze at her, not only Detective Sargent Robin Sparrow who was waiting patiently and rendered speechless when he saw her.The chauffer opened the door and a long shapely leg sheathed in diaphanous high-sheen nylon and shod in four-inch cherry-red heels emerged. A matching leg swung onto the pavement but was glimpsed only briefly before the skirt of a blood-red satin evening gown closed around the legs and the rest of Charlie's body appeared at the car door, bending her head slightly under the sill as the driver helped her out of the car.Samantha had hatched the plan for Robin to meet Charlie out front of the hall so he could see her in her new gown for the first time at the ball. Sam had paid for the limousine as a gift to Charlie.Robin rushed forward, almost bowling the chauffer over in his eagerness to take Charlie's hand. Charlie stood erect and smoothed out the blood-red, floor length, figure-hugging dress that flared slightly from the waist and was split at the side from the hip. It was worn off the shoulder and Charlie's meagre décolletage, narrow waist, wide hips and perky buttocks complemented the gown perfectly.She had accessorised with matching necklace, earrings, and bracelets; all silver set with faux emeralds. She carried a red sequined clutch purse, with sliver hardware.Sam had done an outstanding job on Charlie's makeup and hair. Gone was the Bowie-eque shag, replaced by a layered bob with all the individual waves overlapping each other hovering just above her shoulders looking attractively delicate, coloured in differing shades of red. Her eyes were smoky to emphasise her emerald green eyes and her lips blood-red to match her gown and pick up the highlights in her hair.Charlie felt overwhelmed but also elated to be at the ball and to be the focus of the crowd's attention. She had gone to the extreme to please Robin, almost as a gesture of gratitude and to ensure he would be proud to have her on his arm and not be embarrassed by her.And Robin was overcome by her countenance. Charlie had never looked more beautiful and feminine; his heart soared when he saw her, any trepidation he had regarding taking Charlie to the ball disappeared when she alighted from the car.Charlie took his arm and Robin leaned in and kissed her chastely on the side of the mouth so as not to ruin her makeup when what he wanted to do was take her in his arms and kiss her passionately.Charlie felt like she was walking on a cloud and could hardly feel her feet; she was glad that she had Robin, dressed eloquently in a black dinner suit and looking handsome, to lean on, especially when they ascended the sandstone steps.Robin showed his invitation at the door, acutely aware that many in the crowd were staring at Charlie. He paused to examine the seating plan and then guided Charlie through the large double-doors into the ballroom proper. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Glenda Savage and Ruffe Ingersoll standing together sipping champagne and he escorted Charlie over towards them, actually glad to be lost in the crowd."Don't you look gorgeous," Glenda leaned in and kissed Charlie on the cheek."You too Glenda, absolutely lovely," Charlie replied.Robin kissed Glenda on the cheek and shook hands with Ruffe; both men seemed glad to have each other's company and scooped fresh drinks from a waitress as she passed.The men complimented each other's partners, getting the preliminaries out of the way."Charlie, let me compliment you on your story in Modern Girl. I saw it today and I thought Maggie did a magnificent job but you are undoubtedly the triumph of the article," Ruffe opened the conversation.Robin looked surprised."I knew that you were considering giving Maggie an interview but I didn't know you already done so," Robin looked questioningly at Charlie.Glenda gave Robin a withering look and Robin felt a cold chill despite the warmth of the room."Yeah, we did the interview and the photo shoot last week at Fringe Chic," Charlie glared at Ruffe."Hey! You made us promise to keep it secret until the article was published. It hit the newsstands this morning," Ruffe shrugged his shoulders and sipped champagne."What about you Glenda? Were you part of this?" Robin fumed."Don't drag me into this. The first I knew about it was when I bought the magazine this morning; I naturally assumed you knew," Glenda looked over her champagne glass, waiting for the sparks to fly."Why do you care Robin? It's my life. There's nothing in the article that isn't true and in case you're worried, your name is never mentioned," Charlie suppressed her anger; she didn't want this to ruin the night."Look, what's done is done. Let's go to our table, eat the rubber chicken dinner and enjoy the ball. I got a hot young lady I'm itching to dance with," he slapped Glenda playfully on her ample buttocks and she feigned anger but was flattered.What made Glenda feel even happier was that Edward and Alicia Bard were standing with a small crowd of people close by. Alicia, looking very matronly in a nondescript shapeless off-white lace gown, flat shoes and her hair piled high on her head and only a smidge of makeup. She looked more like Edward's mother than his wife.Edward had been eyeing Glenda off since she arrived and she could sense that he was unhappy that Ruffe had escorted her. Glenda knew that Edward disliked Ruffe intently and when Ruffe slapped Glenda on the arse, she saw Edward grimace.The four of them made their way through the throng to their table; the MC for the evening had requested that everyone be seated so they could start the event."Please don't let the magazine article spoil our evening," Charlie whispered in Robin's ear and he nodded curtly and pulled out her chair so she could sit and eased it under her when she sat.Ruffe did the same for Glenda. There were four other couples at the table: two from Essex Police, a local politician and his wife and a local businessman and his wife. Ruffe being naturally gregarious encouraged everyone to introduce themselves as the waitstaff fussed around pouring wine and taking orders."Hey I know you!" Daniel Shutter, the businessman smiled at Ruffe."You report for The Daily Sun," he gushed."Guilty as charged," Ruffe took an impromptu bow."Hey I've been following your Essex Slasher pieces. Sorry to bring up shop at a social event but do you chaps think you'll ever catch him?" Daniel looked around the table at the policemen."All I can say is we are working hard to do so. Say Daniel, is that your new club-restaurant that just opened on the high street?" Robin knew the best way to get a businessman to change subject was talk about his businesses."Yes but wait. Are you? Are you the Charlie?" Daniel looked incredulously at Charlie who blushed and lowered her head."I saw the article in Modern Girl today. You are an amazing person and I have to say you looked magnificent in that photo spread, didn't she dear?" he blathered, turning to his wife.Daniel Shutter's wife Muriel looked far from impressed and she just grunted and nodded at Charlie.The comment piqued the interest of the other table guests and conversation centred around Charlie's article, her brush with the Slasher and her newfound celebrity. Muriel Shutter and one of the other policeman's wives obviously did not approve of Charlie but the rest of the table were fascinated by her."And you Sargent Sparrow. I think it's quite generous and chivalrous of you to escort Charlie the ball after all she's been through. Above and beyond the call of duty I say," he lifted his glass in a toast.Robin became angered that the other guests thought he had bought Charlie to the ball as a chartable act. Charlie sensed his anger and took his hand under the table and squeezed it."Let them think what they want. I know you love me and that's all that matters. It'll keep them from prying further," she whispered in his ear over the din of conversation and the police band playing dinner music.Robin squeezed her hand in return and gave her a wan smile.Ruffe managed to change the conversation to Tottenham Hotspur's recent two nil win over West Ham and the men spoke about football while the women endured it. Muriel Shutter and the other disapproving lady left the table to talk to other couples seated elsewhere. Charlie switched seats with Ruffe so she could talk to Glenda."You should have told him Charlie," Glenda admonished her friend."I know that now. I just wanted some independence," Charlie sighed."Well you have it now and you also have celebrity. A lot of people here are going to be talking about you tonight and Robin's going to get the third degree at work. Don't worry he'll stick by you and I count you as my closest friend so we're all in it together," Glenda stroked the back of Charlie's hand."Really?" Charlie knew that she and Glenda were friends, but being told she was Glenda's closest friend made her feel very happy."You know when I bought this dress the one thing I didn't think of is how am I going to take a piss?" Charlie joked."I feel like I've been trussed in a satin cocoon," Glenda chuckled."But you look fantastic in it," Charlie complimented her."I believe I do. And that prick Edward Bard can see what he's missing out on," Glenda replied and they both giggled.Dinner arrived and the men ate heartily while most of the women only pecked at the lukewarm poultry, stodgy veggies and congealed gravy, too scared they would spill food on their gowns or pop a zip. Desert was Pavlova and received the same treatment.The dreary thank-you's and complementary dribble that made up the bulk of the speeches finished just as the tables were being cleared and the band began to play dance music. Edward Bard and his wife went onto the floor and danced the first waltz, as was the tradition and were quickly joined by other couples and eventually the ball was in full swing.Robin took Charlie onto the dance floor despite her reluctance. She hadn't danced since school and there she had taken the male lead; here she had to dance backward and in high heels as the famous quote goes. Not that it mattered to her, she clung to Robin during the slow numbers and he was delighted to hold her in his arms. Her scent, the soft caress of her hair, the feel of her delicate body against his, the glimpse of those impossibly long legs when her dress opened, the delicate brush of her lips on his face, made it all worthwhile and he forgot about the magazine article.Ruffe was dancing with Glenda who was surprised that she was actually enjoying herself. Ruffe was an accomplished dancer and quite handsome with his chiselled blonde Scandinavian looks and tall svelte figure."So Maggie did a great job with Charlie's interview and those pictures were amazing," Glenda said as Ruffe whisked her around the floor."She has a knack for getting people to open up. Charlie certainly did. I'm not sure Robin is going to be happy when he reads the story," Ruffe replied."It's certainly tell-all, that's for sure," Glenda agreed with him."How long have you two been together?" Glenda asked."Maggie and I? We've been friends since we were both studying journalism at Oxford. We get together when she's in town but she travels a lot. She's off on Monday to New York to interview some new band," Ruffe sniffed."Oh. I thought you were a couple," Glenda said, a little shocked."More like friends with benefits; like you and the dark knight over there," Ruffe nodded to where Edward was dancing awkwardly with his wife who he held at arm's length."He is no longer getting any benefits from me and I think I ruined our friendship," Glenda chuckled."Really?" Ruffe pulled Glenda closer and pressed against her and his hand drifted to her buttocks and gave it a squeeze."Mister Ingersoll, what kind of woman do you think I am?" she said primly.Ruffe balked and distanced himself a little from Glenda.Glenda stepped back into him and pressed her body against his and placed his hand back on her buttock. She leaned into him and bit his earlobe."I am that kind of woman tonight. I want to have some fun," she licked his earlobe and then smiled at him.Ruffe smiled back and held her close and Glenda was quite satisfied to see that Edward Bard was fuming as he watched her misbehaving.Ruffe and Glenda took advantage of the free drinks and were soon both tipsy, alternating between sitting down to drink and then getting up to dance. Ruffe was taking liberties, holding Glenda very close feeling her ample bosom press against him and placing his hand on her bountiful behind. He made no attempt to hide the erection tenting his trousers and blatantly rubbed it against her."You are becoming very forward there Mister Ingersoll," Glenda teased him."You haven't complained Miss Savage," Ruffe smiled down at her and squeezed her buttocks.The lights in the ballroom had been dimmed now that dinner was over, there was some subtle ceiling lighting and a spotlight or two reflecting of strategically placed mirror balls. Glenda took advantage of the gloom and slid her hand down and squeezed Ruffe's cock through his trousers.Ruffe stuck his tongue in Glenda's ear and she giggled."Wanna come outside for a smoke," he slipped his had inside the split in her dress and stroked the plump V of her sex through her gauzy knickers."I don't smoke," Glenda said gasping as Ruffe fondled her quim."Neither do I," Ruffe sighed as Glenda worked his cock.Ruffe reluctantly disengaged from Glenda, glad that the dim lighting camouflaged his erection. He took her hand in his and led her to the doors. Once outside the ballroom and in the foyer of the building it was obvious that their plan to proceed outside would be a disaster as it was pouring rain. Ruffe held onto Glenda's hand and led her up a marble staircase to his right. Once at the top of the stairs and out of public view Ruffe whipped Glenda against the wall and pressed his body against her and kissed her.Glenda fumbled around Ruffe and found the handle to a nearby door. If she remembered correctly it was an office and nobody would be in it tonight."In here," Glenda said around Ruffe's insistent mouth.Glenda pulled Ruffe into the office and Ruffe closed the door and slammed Glenda against the wall and ravaged her. His hands were everywhere, under her dress, inside her bra, squeezing her buttocks."Fucking dress!" Glenda slipped off the straps and pulled down the bodice so that Ruffe could get to her ample bosom. He lapped at her breasts and nipples while Glenda cradled his head, encouraging him.She wanted it fast and brutal."Over here!" Glenda pushed Ruffe off her and staggered over to the office desk.She bent over it and offered her big fat backside to Ruffe.

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